Tuesday, March 4, 2008


i have never doubted that ryan would be a fabulous physician. i have never doubted that he would work incredibly hard in his training. i did, however, never see this coming...
so, this is how the story goes:
the month of february, ryan worked solely nights. he worked every night except for four in the whole month. this included the last day of february, the 29th. that was a friday night. so, sunday morning he was to go in and work a 24+ hour shift in the surgical intensive care unit. his shift started in the early AM and was going to go until mid-morning on monday. unfortunately, after a month of staying up all night and sleeping during the days, he could not get himself to sleep before going in for his shift. he thrashed all night long, had a beer, took two PM cold medicines (as he has been pretty sick) and sleep still eluded him. so, he went in sunday morning having slept about 2 hours in the previous 36. anyway, my heart ached for him because i knew his shift was going to be rough and nearly impossible.
so, around 4pm i finally hear from him and he tells me he is probably coming home. my initial reaction is that this is great news... but i knew there had to be a catch. and there was... turns out that as the day had progressed, ryan had gotten sicker and sicker. but, this is not reason enough for an intern to be sent home. and he was of course exhausted. still, no reason to go home.
however, this was reason enough to go home... in the mid afternoon, he had been doing a sterile procedure and was all gowned/gloved/masked up and suddenly started to feel increasingly crummy. he told the nurse in the room that she might want to get another resident to help out with the procedure. she left the room to get someone and came back to find my poor husband passed out cold on the floor! ryan bit it hard and ended up having to get fluids and stitches! the combination of no sleep, being sick, wearing a mask, and not having eaten much just took its toll. my heart was breaking for him... as much as i wanted him to be home, this was not the manner in which i was hoping he would get there! thankfully, he got a good nights sleep, some drugs and TLC and is on the mend. yikes, right??

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