Monday, October 21, 2013


so, whit's in africa!!

i'm thrilled for her.
i'm so excited for her.
i'm proud of her.
i'm anxious for her return so i can hear every last story she can bear to tell me.
i'm in much prayer for her.

and while she is away, i am honored that she asked me to write a post for her blog in her absence.

she asked us to write about a time when we "followed our gut."
i brainstormed for a while about this topic, but always came back to crosby's pregnancy and birth.

it stirred up tons of different emotions as i wrote the post.
it made me so very thankful for the providence and love of our Lord.

 it made me realize how in some of our darkest moments, the Lord is so very near to us and we grow very much.

and truly, every day as i look at crosby, i am overwhelmed by the miracle he is.

and as i thought of my time in africa, i remembered how nervous i felt.  how i felt much further than an ocean away.  and how transformed my life was by the time i spent there.

i am thrilled for whit to be following her heart in uganda.  and i can hardly wait for her return!

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