Sunday, September 6, 2009

dress up:

i have always enjoyed halloween, but have never been one of those people who's gotten really into it.

well, it might be the addition of finn that has gotten me fired up about halloween, but i've already started to think costumes this year. and also the fact that lily is seeming a lot more interested in dressing up, too.

i would consider myself to have a slightly creative mind, but the execution of my plans often leads to great disappointment. i have a beautiful picture in my mind's eye of the glorious project i am about to create, but then it almost always falls quite short. but not this time...

i am not sure what lily will be for halloween. a fairy? a ballerina? the tooth fairy? but, i was pretty sure that my 2 year old was due for a tutu. and she was, too. and this morning, she could not have been more thrilled than to leap and twirl around the front yard with her new tutu in place.

maybe i introduced it a bit early for halloween??...

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